Wednesday 14 October 2020

Who will love a little sparrow?

When making this concertina book, I was inspired by a moving Paul Simon song : "Who will love a little sparrow" 

The book tells the tale of a little sparrow on its long journey. It is not loved, not by the Oak Tree, not by the Swan, not by the Golden Wheat. Only the Earth will love it, "for all I've created returns unto me, from dust were ye made and dust ye shall be". 

I made this book with fabric scraps, mostly from discarded clothes from my family. I used appliqué and lots of stitching.

The cover of the book used to be part of a pocketed flanel work shirt. To the button, I attached an acorn  embellished with some embroidery. 

Inside the book, you can flip the fabric pages so as to read the story. You can also unfold the story into one long strip by undoing the little button at the back.

This was another challenge by, in a workhop given by Mandy Pattullo, which I loved very much. I hope to make more of these books!

I made two little videos, one of the unfolded book and one flipping through the pages, you can watch them here  and here.


  1. Leuk boekje en stofjes die herinneringen oproepen, prachtig idee

    1. dankjewel! en ja van de meeste stofjes weet ik de herkomst nog, dat maakt het nog leuker, vind ik zelf.

  2. mooi werk, wordt stilaan een kunstige collectie

    1. dankjewel, ik wil meer van zulke boekjes maken, het spreekt me echt aan.
