Saturday 20 February 2021

The memory of a picnic

We often visit Cambridge in the UK because our son lives there. It is such a friendly and beautiful city! We love to picnic and one of our favourite spots is Jesus Green. 

This folded book depicts a memory of one of these precious moments where everything felt wonderful and everyone and everything seemed to be smiling. 

It is a fabric and paper collaged piece, with hand stitching and embellishment. I also used some watercolour paint.

The technique used here, I learned from the textile artist Anne Kelly. A PVA glue solution gets used to attach paper onto fabric. At first I was a bit hesitant about it, but I found myself loving it: the technique makes a "fabric" that is really great to stitch through! And I get to use some of my lovely paper pieces I have been collecting for years!

The cover of the book is a piece of a kitchen towel and it has a button and beaded cord to close it.

I hope to have the time and energy to make many more of these memory-books!

I made a little video where you can see me opening the book, which you can watch it if you click here.


  1. Prachtig hoe je mooie herinneringen van vastleggen zodat je ze kan blijven koesteren.��
