Saturday, 4 July 2020

Spring Foliage Mitts

This is a design by Alana Dakos of Never Not Knitting. You can find it in the book "Botanical Knits". When I first saw these mitts, I immediately fell in love with them. Spring foliage grows up one side and into the thumb gusset and side shaping has been added to flatter the curve of the wrist.
I used yarn from my stash : Rowan felted tweed and some unspecified ecru yarn.
If I would knit them again I would only use one colour and that would be a lighter green. But that said, I still love the design very much!
In the past I already knitted two more of Alana Dakos' designs : the life circle scarf and the twin leaf loop. I really like the way she incorporates these botanical themes in her designs!


  1. Leukerds... ziet er wel niet zo eenvoudig uit om te breien!

    1. Het valt eigenlijk best mee van moeilijkheidsgraad. Hoewel, ik zou niet tegelijk een spannende film volgen...:-)

  2. Gezellig warm, mooi motief, je zou zo zin krijgen in een boswandeling
