Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Ecodyeing a poem

One wonderful afternoon last year two of my lovely friends introduced me into the magical world of eco dyeing.

Eco dyeing is a form of natural dyeing where the colours of natural dyes from plant materials are transferred to fabric by using steam.

I thought the process fascinating and the result was really beautiful! 

They kindly gave me the fabric we created that afternoon. I was determined to put it to good use and made into a poem art piece (it is rather big!). 

I added a lot of subtle stitching, to give it more balance and to emphasize some parts. And onto it I embroidered a poem by Emily Brontë which I think fits really well with the atmosphere of the piece. 

I'm very happy with the outcome : thanks again friends! 

                        I stretched the piece over a canvas (80 x 80):

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